SoulGame Wikia
SoulGame Wikia

The Hero screen shows your gladiator's current appearance and level, and allows you to change his facial features for a small fee (which increases with level). It also has three panels, labeled "Statistics", "Skills", and "Talents".


Your character is described by five statistics: Strength, Accuracy, Block, Dodge, and Critical.  Strength combines with your chosen melee weapon to determine your melee damage.  Accuracy determines both the probability of making a ranged attack (which takes the form of a bonus attack before your primary, melee attack), and how much damage that ranged attack will inflict.  Block determines how likely you are to block at least some of the damage when enemies attack you; exactly how much damage is blocked depends on your choice of shield.  Dodge determines your chance to jump out of the way when opponents attack, avoiding all damage.  Critical determines your chance to perform a "critical hit" instead of a normal melee attack; critical hits do twice as much damage as normal ones, plus bonus damage if you right-click on your target at just the right time.  In addition, points placed in Block, Dodge, and Critical increase your "health", the amount of damage you can take before losing a battle.


Skills are special abilities, activated by clicking icons on the Arena screen.  Unfortunately, each Skill is only "unlocked" at a particular level; characters of lower levels cannot use them.  But up to five Skill points can be added to any Skill you already have, either increasing its effect or decreasing the "cooldown" time so it can be used more frequently.  Consult the following table.

Skill Table
Skill Effect Unlocked Notes
Double Slash Two melee attacks, plus a small chance to reduce the target's Strength. Best with 4 or 5 points in Brutal or Sneaky.
Shield Bash Stuns the target for five seconds. Upgrade and use this as often as possible. Use first so you can get the other skills after without taking damage. This is undoubtedly the best skill.
Toxic Stab Adds poison to your next melee attack. Poison deals damage over time, so use this as your first strike to maximize cumulative damage.
Magic Armor Blocks a given percentage of enemy damage for a small amount of time. Level 25 A waste if the enemy is stunned.
Heal Restores a given percentage of your health. Level 35 Use this instead of health potions whenever possible.
Omnisoul Five or more melee attacks (depending on Skill points). Level 50 Save this for "kings".


Talents are "passive abilities": like your ranged attack, they have a small probability of activating themselves, instead of being activated by icons.  Up to five Talent points can be assigned to any given Talent -- regardless of your gladiator's level -- increasing the likelihood that Talent will self-activate.  Consult the following table.(Note: maxed refers to when you can add no more points to the talent which is at 5 points you will know this by the talent turning gold on the edges)(Note2: by level 91 you can max out all talents)

Talent Table
Talent Effect Notes
Brutal A chance to stun the target for three seconds. upgrade first its a free shield bash and activates lots when maxed
Sneaky A chance to create money with melee attacks. this includes melees from omnisoul and double slash
Impatient Decreases cooldown times. 7, 14, 21, 28, 35% Less Cooldown.
Treacherous A chance for ranged attacks to poison the target. maxed is 50% very good for people with high ranged attack chance
Vampiric A chance to restore health when an opponent is killed. specifically 25%,
Lucky Increases the chance for clovers to appear in both Arena and Training. Even with 5 points, the increase is only 17.5%. Nonetheless, this is a great skill.
Alchemist Increases the effect of all potions. maxed its health 95, energy 100, and strength 2x
Deadly Increases the bonus damage from properly-timed critical hits. Good for characters with a high Critical score.
Blessed A chance to revive after losing a battle. even maxed its only 20%